Friday 10 February 2012

Water Safety

We enjoyed our Water Safety lessons down at the Parnell Baths. For our first session last week, we practiced floating because it is important to know how to float in an emergency. 

We learned how to save others safely in our second session today. When we see someone panicking in the water, it is essential to communicate and find useful objects to pull the person out. We must remember to get low when we are doing the pulling and keeping ourselves safe during the rescue. 

We also practiced how to stay safe in water when wearing a life jacket. We linked our arms and floated on our backs as a team. We are looking forward to our lesson number three on Friday!


  1. Ryan says this swimming lesson was great and he enjoyed smiling at the camera!

  2. I enjoyed going down to the Parnell Baths. I found floating was the most fun activity. I am exited about the third session.


  3. Great Photo ... you all look like you really enjoyed yourselves .... Debby (Charli's Mum)

  4. The first time I did water saftety we got to race with other people and we got to do laps and go into the family spa - I liked the family spa best of all. Georgia

  5. You guys look like you had SO much fun...wish I was in Y4 again!
