Friday 9 March 2012

Week 6 in Room 14

Welcome back to our blog. We have had another action packed week here in Room 14!

We began our topic study into 'The Deep Blue'. We learned that we are going to be exploring the unknown and finding out about creatures that live at the very bottom of the ocean. We started off by watching a short video showing some of these creatures, they looked really strange! Some of them were ugly, some of them were beautiful. They all had different features, like big eyes or bright lights. We will be learning why they have these during the term.

Once we had watched the video we worked in pairs or groups to create images of some of these creatures. We drew them in crayon and then painted over the top in blue dye that looked like the ocean.
What do you think?

In writing this week we have been working on our narratives. We have been thinking about how we can make our stories more interesting. We started looking at words that we can change to make the meaning more exciting. As a class we brainstormed some words that could be use instead of 'said' and 'walked'. Here are some of our ideas.

After that we went to write a story and used lots of word cards to help us think of more interesting sentences. Here we are writing.

Miss Huke loved our stories, she especially liked when we used words like 'tussle', 'magnificent' and 'overjoyed'.

Other highlights of our week included lots of our portraits finally being finished and being displayed. Thanks Gussie for the pictures!

A highlight of Miss Huke's week was seeing so many people from Room 14, and other rooms, at Ukulele club. This week we learnt how to hold the ukulele and some notes to play and practice at home. We even had a go at playing a song! It sounded great!

A big congratulations of all of the competitive swimmers frm our class, they had some great results at the Swimming Sports on Thursday. Well done Benny, Sophie and Sophie, Eva, Ben and Erin. The rest of us were disappointed not to get to the pools, but we still had a fun day at school.

That's all we have time to write today as our computer time is nearly up! More to come next week!


  1. Hi Room 14: I love your blog!

    It is really neat to be able to see what you have been up to and to hear all about what you are learning. I love your self-portraits and am looking forward to hearing some ukulele playing!

    Keep up the blogging!

    Deborah Hill Cone (Gussie's mum)

    1. Hi Deborah,
      Thank you for reading our blog, we really appreciate it. We are happy to have some people reading what we write. Thank you for writing back to us, please keep reading!
      From Room 14

  2. Wow what an action packed week! Thank you for writing about all of the interesting things you have been doing.
    I am looking forward to hearing all about the "deep blue" , and the crazy creatures at the bottom of the sea!
    Keep up the great work room 14!

    Emma Graham ( Taimana's mum)

    1. Hi Emma,
      Thank you for reading our blog, we really appreciate it. We are happy to have some people reading what we write. Thank you for writing back to us, please keep reading!
      From Room 14

  3. Congratulations to all the Room 14 children who completed at the school swimming sports, especially the children that received a certificate for being 1st, 2nd or 3rd in their races - well done!

    Kay (Sophie Ryans Mum)
