Friday 16 March 2012

Week 7

Another busy week in Room 14. We have thought long and hard about everything that we want to tell you in this weeks blog, we hope we have time to fit it all in!

One of the most important things this week is that we have a new friend! A big welcome to Kyon!

This week we carried on with our topic of the 'The Deep Blue'. The first thing we did was talk about all the things that we think we already know. Here is what we came up with;

After that we had some special books to look in from the National Library. These were all about the Ocean and the creatures that live in it.

Reading these books and thinking with our buddies helped us to come up with some questions - things that we would like to find out about 'the deep blue'. Here are a few of them;

Miss Huke was really amazed with some of the questions we thought of. She said we had 'enquiring minds"!

This week we have been working hard on our writing. We are really improving our narrative writing. On Tuesday we all had to create two characters and one setting. Then we put these into a bucket and picked out some new ones, which we had to write a story about. We called it our 'pick'n'mix' story. This led to some great stories about mermaids, princesses, superheroes and villains. One of them even took place in a giant shopping mall in the sky!

Once we had written the stories we wanted to concentrate on editing them. We had a go at doing some editing all together. This helped us remember where to put the capital letters, full stops and other punctuation. It also reminded us how to look up words in the SpellWrite or dictionary. This is an example of us having a try together;

Ask us about our stories at home because we are really proud of them.

Maths has also been keeping us busy this week. We have been working on Place Value and adding and subtracting two digit numbers. Alongside this we have been learning about time. Check out Benny's work;

Our computer time is almost up, so we can't write much more, however, Miss Huke wants to say how proud she has been this week of people in our class helping others. There are a few special people in particular who are always doing the right thing, and even offering to help others do the right thing as well. Here is a great example;

Thanks Max and Liam for letting us use this picture. Well done, Max!

We will be back next week!

1 comment:

  1. Hi again Room 14! I really enjoyed reading your blog this week. I was interested to hear about the Deep Blue - it sounds very mysterious and exciting. Maybe next week you will have more to tell us about what your enquiring minds have found out.

    I also loved the ideas for stories from your pick'n'mix box. I'd like to visit the Shopping Mall in the Sky! What do you buy there?

    It is great to hear you are helping each other and being kind to each other. Go "Team Room 14"!

    Have a good week
    Gussie's mum Deborah.
