Friday, 18 May 2012

Week 4

Welcome to Week 4, things have been ticking along nicely in the classroom this week. The things we write about in our blog are what we have decided that we want to share as a whole class.

On Tuesday it was Chloe's last day with us. We were a bit sad, but we had a fun couple of days trying to make her a card and keep it a secret! We hid the card in Miss Huke's office and just went in a couple of people at a time to write our own bit. She seemed really pleased when we gave it to her.

Today we had a special treat. The Royal New Zealand Ballet came in for a visit and we got to see what it is like to be a member of the ballet. We watched a warm-up that involved lots of stretching, bending and jumping. Then they showed us some special moves - one of the male dancers managed to spin around nine times without stopping! After that we saw a little bit from their new show - Cinderella. The girls had beautiful dresses on and were really funny. The Grasshopper danced just like he was a real grasshopper! Hopefully we will be able to add some photos in the next few days!

Today we are feeling very proud of ourselves because we filled up the Teddy Jar. We get a Teddy in the jar whenever we do something sensible as a class, like working hard, showing nice manners and respect or being kind to others. We will recieve our reward on Monday!

On Wednesday our Deep Sea projects were due in. Miss Huke was amazed at how fabulous, creative and informative they all were. She was really impressed with the way we presented them to the class and the feedback that we gave each other. She thought they showed how well we had understood the topic and how hard we had worked at home to create something special. In fact, she was so impressed that she asked us to keep them at school for a little while so that we can share them with other teachers and classes.

Here are some pictures of us presenting our projects -

Remember, Monday is School Photo day so we need to come in our very best, correct uniform (and give our faces a good scrub!)


  1. It is great to read about the fun activities room 14 are doing each week. What a wonderful opportunity you had with the NZ Ballet visiting,. Sophir R's mum, Kay

  2. Hi Room 14. I loved seeing all your Deep Blue projects. They all looked so different and so interesting. I know quite a bit about the angler fish now! I bet you are all looking forward to going to Kelly Tarlton's next week. I hope you are all having a good week. I thought maybe it was winter already as it has been quite cold but Gussie and I looked it up on the computer and do you know winter does not start till June 1! Brrrrr! Keep up the good work! Deb (Gussie's mum)
