Friday 23 March 2012

Week 8

Welcome back to our blog, we are looking forward to sharing our week with you.

We have been busy again this week, and the rain has kept us in a few days. Our computer keeps giving us problems! Today we crossed our fingers and that seemed to help it work. We still have smiles on our faces!

Firstly another welcome. This week we have a new boy in our class. His name is Rohan and he is joining us all the way from England! Welcome, Rohan. We are looking forward to having you in Room 14.  (Thanks Chloe for taking this picture.)

In writing this week we have carried on creating narratives. Miss Huke has been really impressed with our stories and wanted to share a few with you.

Here is a story by Josef;

Once there was a wicked witch and superhero. The superhero tried to throw the witch in a palace in the sky, but he missed. So he flew in the air, saved the wicked witch and took her into the palace. “What were you doing?” she said.  “I saved you,” he said. The witch frowned at the superhero and said, “You nearly broke my leg.”  The superhero didn’t notice. The witch was surprised at how well the superhero could fly. So the witch said, “Can you teach me how to fly?” The superhero said “yes.” So the superhero taught her how to fly.

And here is a story by Zara;
Once upon a time there was an alien called Alex and a polar bear called Bella. It was Bella’s birthday the next morning. They went into the invisible forest for a picnic but she didn’t remember she had been there over three times. After three times they would have got locked in. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… they got locked in forever. The dug and dug and finally they got out.
Soon we hope to have all our stories published so we can share them with other people.
Another thing we learnt in writing this week is how important it is to remember punctuation, especially full stops. If we don't remember to include these it can really change the meaning of our story. We found this out when we read a story about Derek.

Can you spot why the title of the story might be confusing? And look at the first sentence;

Can you see how adding full stops can really change the meaning of the sentence! We all thought this was a funny story.
For reading on Thursday we got to practice and perform some plays. We learnt that we don't need to read out loud all of the words on the page, some of them, particularly the ones in italics are just there to help us with our actions. We also learnt that performing a play in front of an audience is a lot trickier than it seems!

During topic this week we were talking with Ms Crowther about creatures that may be at the bottom of the ocean. We were wondering what they might look like and which features they might need to have to help them survive at the very bottom of the ocean. Then we used some pastilles to create our own versions of these creatures. Here are some examples. Thanks Taimana for being our photographer.

What a busy week! We would love to be able to share more about what we have been up to but we are out of time so will have to save that for next week! Thanks for reading our blog, feel free to leave us a comment.

1 comment:

  1. Hullo Room 14! What a great week you have had. Gussie and I just read your blog because Gussie was away for a few days last week and she wanted to find what she had missed out on.

    We both really liked Josef and Zara's stories. They were so imaginative and vivid.

    Gussie was sad she had missed Mufti day as she saw in your pictures you were in normal clothes. Never mind, Gussie, there will be another Mufti Day!

    And we both laughed at the Derek's Full. Stop story.

    Keep up the great work with your writing and blogging and hope you have a fun week.

    Deborah (Gussie's mum) and Gussie.
