Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Greek Vase

We haven't been writing our blog because we have been very very busy with speech writing, reading, spelling, fractions, decimals, art, Maori, Mandarin, cross-country training and Ancient Greece Study......

Our new art project is designing Greek vases. We had to choose a character from a Greek Myth and illustrate him/her/it for our pattern. The next step was to dye it orange. Do feel free to come and have a look at our creations!


  1. I think that the vase designing is really fun.
    A lot of people have done very cool patterns and the finished ones look great!

  2. Well done Room 16,the vases loo fantastic!!
    Sam's Mum :)

  3. yes we were very busy and we room16 are very sad that Paris broke her arm
    get well soon Paris

  4. Hello, I was just wondering how your class made these. They're beautiful!
