Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Community Day

On Thursday 10th April, Parnell District School had our Community Day. We had to come in our house colours.

The house colour for Te Arawa is red.

 The house colour for Tainui is blue.

 The house colour for Aotea is green.

The house colour for Tokomaru is yellow.

We made 1000 paper cranes for Sakurako, who was bitten by dogs in an accident. In the Japanese legend, if you make 1000 paper cranes for someone, you can make a wish. In class, we have also read the story of Sadako from Japan.

We wish that Sakurako will get better.

We held bake sales to fundraise for Sakurako's family. We have raised around $5500.

After morning tea, we got into our house groups and played games like newspaper delivery, ski runs, sponge fun and rob the nest.

To end the day, we had an assembly where Gigi's Dad, Zac Moaveni, spoke to us about helping others. The raffles tickets were drawn and three people from our class have won! They are Ella, Jesse and Lukas! It was a fantastic day!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Who is censored out in my team (blue) it's odd I don't remember who that was sincerely Charlie (room 14)
