Wednesday 4 April 2012

Creatures of the Deep Blue

In the last few weeks we have been looking very closely at the different layers of the ocean and the creatures that live within those layers.

We thought we would share with you some facts that we have learnt.

'The sunlight zone is where we swim, then comes the twilight zone and then the midnight zone where there are unusual creatures. The only light is from the creatures themselves. Then comes the Abyss where there is a lot of pressure and only tiny creatures live there.' - Sophie Goodwin

'You could only go to the midnight zone if you had a special submarine because of all the pressure. It is really cold and dark down there.' - Sophie Ryan

'As the levels go down its gets colder and darker and less animals can survive.'- Erin

'Scientists say that there are 5 layers. The deeper the layers go, the more pressure there is.' - Gussie

'This fish uses biolumenescence to attract prey' - Rohan

'The Dragonfish and the Anglerfish and other fish that we have talked about live in the Midnight Zone.' - Kyon

'The Dragonfish has lights that glow in the dark but they can turn off their light when they eating  so nothing comes to attack and eat them.' - Chloe

'Dragonfish have really sharp teeth.' - Taimana

'The Anglerfish is not a very good swimmer, it just wobbles around in the water. It has such a big mouth it could swallow a basketball whole.' - Sophie Ryan

'The Anglerfish looks like it has a bit of a fishing rod coming out from his head. This is to attract its prey'. - Taimana

'The Anglerfish looks really big but is only as big as your thumb to your first finger.' - Gussie

'The Anglerfish is 5 inches long and lives all around the world.' - Sophie Goodwin

'Another name for the Anglerfish is Common Black Devil.' - Kyon

'The Deep Sea Anglerfish can go down to 3000 feet.' - Walt

'The Hagfish can make enough slime to fill a milk jug' - Matthew

'The Hagfish has 4 hearts.' - Walt

'The Hagfish can tie itself into a knot and then squeeze through to wipe off the slime.' - Eva

'When the Hagfish is scared it buries itself under the sand.' - Josef

'If a fish wants to come and eat the Hagfish and the Hagfish doesn't want to get eaten it can use some slime to block its gills so it dies.' - Sophie Ryan

'The Coelacanth has the strongest scales of any fish and its fins look like toes.' - Mavis

'The Coelacanth can eat whatever it finds.' - Taimana

'The Coelacanth's eyes glow.' - Erin

'The Coelacanth can go down to 1000 metres.' - Rohan

'The Coelacanth is the last fish with hard scales' - Sophie Goodwin

'The Coelacanth eats its food whole' - Gussie

'The Chambered Nautilus has jet propulsion at the end of its back.' - Matthew

'The Chambered Nautilus pushes itself backwards and forwards, and up and down.' -Taimana

'The Chambered Nautilus can get heavier and lighter to move up and down.' - Josef

'The Chambered Nautilus is nearly blind.' - Sophie Ryan

1 comment:

  1. To Room 14, I really liked your blog. From Room 14!
